M Invest For Investors
Make impact-centric investment decisions with our investor dashboard
Efficient Engagement and Stewardship
Access all portfolio companies’ financial and impact information, streamlining data aggregation for due-diligence activities.
Reporting at Portfolio and Company Levels
Engage and align with key stakeholders of portfolio companies and funds, ensuring impact targets are met.
M Invest For Businesses
Easily identify, visualise and communicate impact with our impact dashboards
Cloud-based Enterprise-wide Integration
Connect seamlessly to impact data across different teams in your organisation.

Stakeholder Reports
Demonstrate your holistic impact, and engage your employees, customers and other key stakeholders

UN SDGs are at the heart of what we do
The SDGs were set in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly as a global measure to meet the world’s unmet needs by 2030. As we enter the last decade of action towards 2030, achieving the SDGs while contending with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic requires a renewed
commitment of responsible stewardship of wealth and reallocation of capital. Our solutions provide aggregated insights and reports on your impact performance, automatically aligned and benchmarked to the UN SDGs.
The SDGs were set in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly as a global measure to meet the world’s unmet needs by 2030. As we enter the last decade of action towards 2030, achieving the SDGs while contending with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic requires a renewed commitment of responsible stewardship of wealth and reallocation of capital. Our solutions provide aggregated insights and reports on your impact performance, automatically aligned and benchmarked to the UN SDGs.
Three steps to Impact
Impact Scoping & Diagnosis
Engage and align with key stakeholders of portfolio companies and funds, ensuring impact targets are met.
Impact Consulting
We use Maanch Analytics to suggest tangible measures and metrics to plug the impact gaps in your organisation and investments.
Custom Dashboard
Engage and align with key stakeholders of portfolio companies and funds, ensuring impact targets are met.
Accelerate your net societal impact with Maanch Analytics
Get in touch with our impact expertsOperate Efficiently.
Secure and compliant
Cloud based white-label solution
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Engage Holistically.
Demonstrate impact to internal and external stakeholders
Attract and retain talent. Acquire and delight customers
Track impact commitments
Build back better.
Help leaders make decisions and be a pioneer in Impact performance
Join the global change movement by aligning strategy and actions with SDGs and ESG
Lead in responsible stewardship and create long-term value for the economy, environment and society.